vTools Authorization

The chart below indicates what you can access based on your role as an IEEE volunteer or member or vTools user.  If you have any questions about your role or access, please contact MGA-IM staff at mga-im@ieee.org.

Application OUs Supported Designations Authorization Notes

The following organizational units are supported: Sections, Regions

<p>The following officer roles have access to Engage: Region Director, Section Chair, Section Vice Chair, Section Secretary, Section Treasurer, Section MD Chair, vTools Engage Coordinator</p>

Region Directors can access the Sections below them. Section officers can access only their Section.


Officers can only send eNotices to their immediate OUs. Region and Section officers can send to OUs below them.


The following organizational units are supported:
Affinity, Chapter, Committee, Community, Council, Joint Chapter, Region, Section, Section Student Branch, Society, Standards Working Group, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, Sub-section

<p>Most officer roles have access to vTools.Events for their own organizational units. See Authorization Notes for more info.</p>

Volunteers with any officer role can access and create events. Any user can view and register for events.


The following organizational units are supported: Sections

<p>The following officer roles have ADMIN access to Nominations: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Nominations Chair. See Authorization Notes for more info.</p>

Nominations processes have multiple stages at which various users can access. Please see the following tutorial for more detail: https://kb.ieee.org/vtools/blog/kb/nominations-tool-flow-chart/

Officer Reporting

The following organizational units are supported:
Affinityt, Chapter, Committee, Community, Council, Joint Chapter, Local Group, Region, Section, Section Society, Student Branch, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, Subsection

<p>All officer roles have access to vTools.Officer Reporting for their own organizational units. See Authorization Notes for more info.</p>

Volunteers with any officer role can submit officer reports for any OU. If you are submitting a report for an OU to which you are not directly associated, the report will not be automatically accepted and will go through staff review and approval.

Student Branch Reporting

The following organizational units are supported: Student Branches, Joint Student Branches, Section Student Branches

<p>See Authorization Logic for more info.</p>

Members with at least one officer role for a supported organizational unit, you can search for and view plans for any supported organizational unit. Officers for student branches can submit plans for their own student branch.


The vTools.Surveys application is not currently in use.


The following organizational units are supported:
Affinity, Chapter, Committee, Council, Joint Chapter, Region, Section, Section Student Branch, Society, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, Sub-section

<p>All officer roles have access to vTools.Voting for their own organizational unit.</p>

Officers can create ballots for their own organizational unit. The creator of a ballot can administer that ballot, and can specify a secondary administrator of the ballot.


Any IEEE member can request a Local Group to be created.

<p>N/A - see Authorization Notes.</p>

Anyone can view Local Groups. Anyone with an IEEE Account can join a Local Group. Only IEEE members can request Local Groups. Only Section Chairs can approve/deny Local Groups.


The following organizational units are supported:
Affinity, Chapter, Council, Joint Chapter, Region, Section, Section Student Branch, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, Sub-section

<p>All officers for a supported organizational unit have access to vTools.WebInABox.</p>

If you have at least one officer role for a supported organizational unit, you can create/administer a website for any supported organizational unit to which you have an officer role or any of its child/descendant organizational units.


N/A - see Authorization Notes.

<p>N/A - see Authorization Notes.</p>

Proctor Registration: All proctors must be IEEE members with a grade of Member and above. Team Registration: All participants must be IEEE members (Student member or Graduate Student member only) to register and compete in the competition.