IEEE AESS Capítulo ULibre

Our 5-year plan (2022-2027) establishes the activities to be carried out by each member or work group in each semester. This plan is designed to align with the trends, needs, and requirements of our immediate environment, including Family, University, Work, and Country, as well as the broader context of the LATAM Region and The World. As part of our plan, each work team is expected to deliver presentations at various academic conferences in both the national and international settings, specifically within the computer and aerospace industry. Additionally, we are committed to publishing our research in both popular science and indexed journals. Furthermore, we actively engage in innovation challenges organized by IEEE AESS Colombia, specifically focusing on CANSAT and ROVER initiatives.
Time Horizon:
More Than Two Years
Main Activities:
To maintain the self-sufficiency of the student branch chapter, it is necessary to start with student innovation, by listening to the proposals brought forward and evaluating their feasibility. For active students, different reports will be requested to track various activities and ensure continuous improvement. Additionally, courses on trending technologies will be conducted to enhance organizational productivity. These informal courses will be open to the general public, students, administrative staff, and faculty. Regarding funding, it will depend on the plan presented by the students. This will allow us to support projects that have a solid foundation in their proposals and activities. Evaluation will be based on the different documentary activities that students will need to submit. The IEEE-AESS ULibre chapter aims to support various events as much as possible, not only internal events to promote our products and services within the academic community but also events involving other universities, IEEE chapters and AESS Colombia. Investments will be made to facilitate these events, enabling students to grow and engage in the academic environment. Likewise, partnerships with public and private organizations will be pursued to ensure project funding. Additionally, we will seek financial support from the program management and the Faculty of Systems Engineering through the Engineering Dean's Office, which provides us with a group of memberships each year.
Interim Leader:
Contact Email:
R9 - Latin America - Region 9
R90705 - Colombia Section
Geographic Area:
Associated Entities:
CH09301 - Colombia Section,COM19,CH09436 - Colombia Section Chapter, AES10,SBA02571 - Icesi University, WIE,SBA04331 - Univ Distrital Francisco Jose De Cal, WIE,SBA06431 - Universidad Nacional De Colombia Sede-Bogota,WIE,SBA09161 - Universidad del Cauca,WIE,SBA17431 - Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, WIE,SBA27011 - Escuela Colombiana De Ing Julio Garavito, WIE,SBA61301 - Univ Nacional Sede Manizales, WIE,SBA62201 - Universidad Catolica de Colombia,WIE,SBA62201S - Universidad Catolica de Colombia,SIGHT,SBA63981 - Granada Univ Militar Nueva, WIE