IEEE Bombay Section STEM Group

The IEEE Bombay Local Group on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is established to promote STEM education and careers among students and professionals in the Bombay region. The Local Group will provide a forum for members to discuss advances in STEM fields, organize educational activities, and support the development of STEM talent. It will operate in cooperation with the Bombay Section to foster interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and opportunities related to science, technology, engineering, and math. The Local Group aims to attract STEM students and educators to IEEE membership. It will collaborate with local academic institutions and industry partners to enhance STEM teaching and learning in Bombay. Through talks, workshops, projects and competitions, the Group will showcase real-world applications of STEM and empower members with technical and soft skills. It will facilitate mentorship programs and career guidance activities. The Local Group will abide by IEEE rules and work transparently under the Bombay Section. It aims to boost STEM literacy, reduce skill gaps, and prepare youth for 21st century jobs - thereby advancing IEEE's mission of benefiting humanity through STEM fields.
Time Horizon:
More Than Two Years
Main Activities:
Organize STEM workshops, hands-on projects, and competitions for students at local schools and colleges to promote practical learning. Run coding camps, robotics clubs, and other programs to help students build technical skills. Host seminars and talks by industry experts and academics to highlight real-world STEM applications. Partner with local STEM organizations and student chapters for collaborative events like hackathons, tech fests, and more. Offer guidance and mentoring programs for students interested in STEM careers. Connect them with role models. Recognize outstanding STEM projects and talent through awards and scholarships. Promote STEM resources, tools, and global opportunities to augment technical education. Advocate for well-rounded, multidisciplinary STEM curriculum locally through talks and policy work. Collaborate with industry to provide internships, site visits, and other experiential learning for students. Organize teacher training workshops on best pedagogical practices for transformative STEM education. Maintain website and online channels to widely disseminate STEM opportunities and resources. Represent IEEE at major local STEM education conferences and events.
Hands-on Learning Coding Camps Robotics Clubs Hackathons Tech Fests Student Competitions Academic Talks Industry Seminars
Interim Leader:
Contact Email:
R0 - Asia & Pacific - Region 10
R00121 - Bombay Section
Geographic Area:
Associated Entities:
CH10246 - Bombay Section Chapter, C16,CH10252 - Bombay Section Chapter, COM19,CH10616 - Bombay Section Chapter, MTT17,CH10807 - Bombay Section Chapter, GRS29,CH10946 - Bombay Section Chapter, CS23,CH10964 - Bombay Section Chapter, NANO42,SBA06221 - Mukesh Patel Sch of Tech Mgmt & Eng-Shirpur,WIE,SBA10107 - Vidyalankar School of Information Technology,WIE,SBA10170 - GH Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Tech,WIE,SBA11467 - A P Shah Institute of Technology,WIE,SBA17071S - IEEE VPCOE Student Branch SIGHT,SBA18101 - Universal College of Engineering,WIE,SBA18391 - Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, WIE,SBA20132 - Sandip Inst of Technology and Research Center, WIE,SBA60351 - Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering,WIE,SBA61051 - Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College,WIE,SBA61141 - Usha Mittal Institute of Technology,WIE,SBA61661 - Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Eng, WIE,SBA62651 - Maharashtra Academy of Engineering,WIE,SIGHT013 - Bombay SIGHT Pratham,SIGHT081 - Amrutvahini College of Engineering SIGHT,WE00121 - Bombay Section Affinity Group, WIE,IEEE Bombay Section